Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Recommended Articles

It's time for my weekly review of blog carnivals. As always, I try to review some of the more original and interesting posts published. So, here goes:

Festival of Frugality hosted by Bean Sprouts:

Raising Four Boys has an article about using a timer to speed up showers and reduce water waste. I only want to say: "over my dead body". There are few things in life I enjoy as much as my morning shower, and I am going to stick with it regardless of cost. Of course, they are raising four boys to my three, so maybe it's that fourth little one that tips the scale.

Queer Cents offers an excellent article titled McMansions and the Carbon Tax - apparently there is a proposal circulating for revoking the mortgage interest income-tax deduction for mortgages taken to pay for houses in excess of 3,000 sq. feet. I say, hell yes! While you're at it, why not cancel this regressive tax break entirely? Giving a tax break to home owners is blatant discrimination against renters. Here's a thought: let's tax the poor and give tax breaks to the rich... that's essentially what the mortgage interest tax break is all about.

Carnival of Money Stories hosted by Enough Wealth:

Rather be Shopping suggests a simple money saving tip: ask for a better price. It's probably true, but I have to admit that I find it difficult to go into a big box store and start negotiating a deal. I guess I am not in that kind of mind set when I go to Best Buy.

Reflection of BizDrivenLife points out that some companies improve their bottom line by getting rid of their least profitable customers. For example, his web hosting company kicked him out because he utilized too much of his bandwidth quota (without actually going over the limit). I can certainly understand why companies do this. This strategy makes a lot of sense for them. However, this means that as a consumer you cannot rely on the marketing promises you are given. This is the equivalent of an all-you-can-eat buffet that only allows you to stay as long as you don't eat as much as you can...

My article titled the Most Expensive Loan in History is also included in the carnival.

Carnival of personal finance hosted by Advanced Personal Finance:

Talk about original (and funny). Saving Advice has an article about whether you can save more money by turning nudist. Seriously, this is one of the most unusual personal finance posts I have ever read. I think I'll keep my clothes on, thanks for the offer though.

Penny Closer looks at Five Myths that Can Hurt Your Credit Score. He makes a good point about not closing old credit accounts. The article is well worth a read.

Fire Finance offers a detailed article about how much money you need to save for retirement. The post includes detailed charts - by age and income level - that can give you a sense of whether you are saving enough to replace your current income in retirement.

My article warning IPO Investors to Beware is also included in the carnival.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the mention - I appreciate it!

FIRE Finance said...

Thanks a lot for including our post on Secure Retirement in your recommended articles.
FIRE Finance

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your blog & thanks for mentioning my post.