The first ever Money and Such give away contest came to a close last night. After cleaning up entries which were not valid, only 14 eligible entries remained. At that point I put them all in an excel file in the order in which they were entered, and gave each a serial number. The random number generator from did the rest, and named the winner:

It gives me great pleasure to announce the winner of the contest is Frugal Zeitgeist, a long time reader of Money and Such, and a talented blogger (also supposedly she spent the weekend in the Hamptons according to her blog - good for her). Frugal, hopefully this makes for a good start to your week.
Thank you all for participating. I hope you enjoy my blog.
What a great way to start the week! I shall put it towards the hardware on my new bathroom cabinetry and name one of the handles after you. Thanks a lot!
Congrats Frugal zeitgeist!
Thanks, Neongreen! In the end, I decided to match the $25 with $25 of my own and donate it to charity. I'll still name a cabinet handle after Shadox, though.
Just think! I could point to that cabinet handle and proudly call it brother!
Proud day. Proud day, indeed.
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